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Android #16
Android (pure mechanics)
Good Guy
Android #16 is one of the many androids Dr Gero (later Android #20)
created, Unlike #17 and #18, #16 is pure mechanics, no organic material what so
ever. Despite this, he some how grew a conscious, he loved nature and
life. The sole purpose of his creation was to track and kill Goku, Once
the threat of Cell was discovered #16 ignored this primary objective and wanted
to protect earth. He loved the inhabitants of Earth so much, he was willing to
sacrifice his own existence to save it. Sadly he was not successful and he was
destroyed in vain.
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Android #17
Species: Bio mechanically enhanced Human
Alignment: Neutral
Description: Android #17 is the Twin Brother of #18, not much is actually known
about their creation but we do know they were once normal humans. Just like all
of Dr Gero's other creations the main purpose was to destroy Goku, once again
this objective was abandoned once he was attacked by Cell. #17 and #18 have an
Infinity Ki Generator, not only giving them immense strength, a very long life
span but also the ability to never run out of Ki, a very big advantage in any
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Species: Bio mechanically enhanced Human
Alignment: Good
Description: #18 is the Twin sister of #17, She was also created to kill Goku,
but when Cell arrived on the scene, self-preservation was more important. She
was only absorbed by Cell because of Vegeta's arrogance. She learnt of Krillin's
love for her when Krillin refused to destroy her, this and a few other events is
what caused her to become a "good gal". Also an owner of the extremely
useful Ki Generator.
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Android #19
Android (pure mechanics)
Alignment: Evil
Description: #19 was the last Android to be created by Dr Gero, once Dr Gero
created #19 he commanded he turned himself into an android (#20). Android #19
was an energy absorption model android, this gave him a disadvantage and an
advantage. He could absorb Ki Blasts but he was also very weak compared to the Z
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Android #20
Human, Part Android
#20, Is also Dr Gero, the creator of all the Androids as well as
Cell. He created
#19 then ordered #19 to turn him into a fellow android. #20 was also an energy
absorption model like #19. This model of android's weakness is the fact that
they would run out of power and become weaker.
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Bad Guys Radditz
Species: Pure blooded Saiyan
Alignment: Evil
Description: Radditz, Goku's older and for a short time stronger brother. The Beginning
of dbz started off with a bang, Radditz coming to Earth alone to find out why
Goku had not conquered it. Lets just say he met a painful end. Radditz was
Called an Elite Saiyan for some weird reason, he only had a power level of
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Pure Blooded Saiyan
Alignment: Evil
Description: Nappa was Vegeta's "bodyguard" during the Saiyan saga,
odd considering Vegeta killed him when he just got annoying. Nappa managed to out
do everyone but Goku and Vegeta at the time. Just like Radditz, Nappa's roots go
way back to Vegeta's Childhood. Ever since then, he was following Vegeta around. Back to the top
Alignment: Evil
Description: Frieza, Dragonball Z's first real villain, Frieza for many years
was considered by far the strongest in the universe. No one dared cross his
path, those who did, were compost. That is until the Incident on Planet Namek.
For years Frieza feared the Saiya-jin Legend of the Super Saiya-jin, He feared
this legend so much he destroyed the Saiya-jin Home world killing all but a few
Saiya-jins. On Planet Namek Frieza would have easily defeated goku if it was not
for his arrogance. Arrogance and dbz villains always come one and one. Back to the top
Alignment: Evil
Description: Garlic Jr, Son of Garlic. Garlic once attempted to gain control of
Earth by becoming it's Guardian. He failed and was locked away into the Deadzone for all
eternity. After wishing for immortality in Movie 1, he tried to do what his father couldn't, He was
thwarted by Gohan in Movie 1 and again in the Garlic Jr saga. He was locked away
in the Deadzone both times, he was just able to break out the first time thanks
to his home planet's star, which was destroyed by Gohan in the Garlic Jr saga
leaving him weakened and trapped in the Deadzone forever. Back to the top
King Cold
Very little is known about Frieza's father. In fact, almost nothing
is known about him. King Cold appears to be in frieza's 2nd form. In my opinion
I believe King Cold was stronger than Frieza.
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Organic artificial creation
Alignment: Evil
Description: Cell, Dr Gero's ultimate creation, created from the cells of the
strongest and best fighters in the known universe. Cell not only had the genetic
makeup of the greatest fighters, but he also had their selection of techniques.
He could perform everything from Tien's Split-form to Goku's Kamehamaha. If he
didn't already know how to perform a certain technique he could learn it very
quickly. Cell's weakness like almost every adversary in DBZ was his ego. His Ego
was his downfall. Back to the top
Alignment: Evil
Description: Bididi is Buu's creator, Bididi had a hatred against the universe,
he wanted to satisfy his hatred. So he created Buu, Buu was very nearly too
powerful for Bididi to control, when travelling between destroying planets
Bididi kept Buu in an egg like casing. Bididi was eventually killed by A
Kaioushin, leaving the unhatched egg unguarded and unused for millions on years
on a planet, Earth. Bibidi has the ability to take control of any mind that has
a hint of evil, turning them "majin." Back to the top
Alignment: Evil
Description: Babidi is Bibidi's son, Millions of years after Bibidi was killed
Babidi set it upon himself to attempt to resurrect Buu from his egg prison,
using the help of his possession techniques, it's not difficult. Babidi just
like Bibidi had the ability to take control of evil minds, turning them
"majin." Back to the top
Alignment: Evil
Description: Dabura was the king of the demons, he was extremely powerful (Up
until Buu arrived anyway). Being of evil intentions and of great strength,
Babidi used Dabura as his pawn after turning him "majin." Dabura was
later killed by Buu when he became jealous of Buu. Back to the top
Magical Creation
Alignment: Evil
Description: Buu was Bididi's Creation, but
later Babidi's pawn. Buu is a liquid creation that can regenerate from literally
anything apart from complete annihilation, his body can be stretch, ripped
apart, blown up and quite literally anything you can think of. Given enough time
(usually a few seconds to minutes, depending on how badly he was hurt from the
attack) the separate parts of Buu's body will just start to reform back into
buu's main body making him almost impossible to kill. Buu has the ability
to absorb his opponents, making him extremely difficult to surpass, as well as
kill. He gained over three quarters of his final strength from absorbing his
opponents. For more information check out the Buu's
Forms page. Back to the top
Good Guys
Pure Blooded Saiyan
Description: Goku is the main character of Dragonball, Dragonball Z and
Dragonball GT, he was one of 4 (not including the movies) remaining Saiyans Left
after the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Vegeta, Nappa and Radditz being the
other 3. As a child Goku was as evil as they come, after being sent to earth as
a child to conquer it, he was taken into the care of Grandpa Gohan, who accidentally
dropped him over a cliff (don't ask). Goku then lost his aggressive streak and
became quite literally the nicest person on earth. From then on he did
everything in his power to save Earth, the Universe and all of it's inhabitants. Back to the top
50% Saiyan, 50% human
Gohan is Goku's first child (Goten being the second), from a very young age
Gohan had a fighting potential, but he was held back by his mother (Chi Chi) who
only wanted him to study. From a very young age Gohan's anger proved to be the
turning point in most battles, this is theorized that the adrenalin from a human
body reinforced the Saiyan strength, making if anything, the Saiyan-Human hybrid
stronger than the Pure Blooded Saiyan.
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Pure Blooded Saiyan
Vegeta is also one of the few Surviving Saiyans, along with Nappa, Radditz and
Goku. Vegeta is a prince, and from a very young age he acted like it, he's a
very pride filled person. He hold's his pride above his own life. He considered
everyone an enemy except his own father. Since Planet Vegeta was destroyed by
Frieza, Vegeta always had a serious grudge against Frieza, even more so seeing
that he was treating like a child by Frieza. Vegeta originally came to earth in
search of the Dragonballs along with Nappa, but his evil plan back fired and he
was thrown off of Earth near death after a ferocious battle. He later had a hand
in Frieza's death (After his own death) and after a weird chain of events he
fell in love with Bulma, moved to Earth, and had two Children, Trunks and Bra.
Despite his good ways, he was always very pride filled and Hated Goku because he
was stronger. Back to the top
Krillin is Goku's Best friend, from a very young age Goku and krillin were very
competitive, but Goku very quickly passed Krillin although he attempts to lend a
hand whenever he can. Krillin may be a coward at times, but that's only
understandable, someone that's not interested in self-preservation is a fool. In
the Cell Saga he fell in love with and later married #18 and they had a
daughter, Marron. Back to the top
Like many of the cast for Dragonball/z/gt Yamcha started life as one of Goku's
enemies, but this later changed, and like Krillin he attempted to lend a hand
whenever possible. He also dated Bulma for a short period of time. He is forever
attached (not literally) to his friend, Puar. Who is a shape shifter, but is
stuck as a floating cat (don't ask). Back to the top
Description: Tenshinhan (Tien) Also started out life as one of Goku's
enemies, but this too changed quite quickly. Tenshinhan is the inventor of many
useful techniques, such as the Tri form attack and the Solar flare. After
Dragonball Tenshinhan spends his life training in solitude with his close
friend, Choutzu. Although he does of course, turn up when needed. Back to the top
Alignment: Good
Description: Choutzu is an expert and Ki Manipulation, he was one of the
first fighters to be able to fly. He never was very strong, but Choutzu always
fought to the best of his ability, which because of his small size is not much.
Choutzu too helps against the villains of dbz whenever possible, although after
the Saiyan saga he was so weak he had the sense to stay away from every major
battle. Choutzu is Tenshinhan's closest friend and they spend all their lives
training together in solitude. Back to the top
When Piccolo was introduced to Dragonball, he was described as a demon, when we
all later find out he was in fact a Namekian. Piccolo was once a noble man who
was competing for the guardianship of Earth, but he was rejected because there
was evil lurking deep inside of him. At great risk he expelled the evil creating
an alternate self, who is the Piccolo that was a villain throughout DB and later
because a Z Fighter in DBZ. The original half of Piccolo, who was only known as
Kami, went on to become Guardian of the earth after all. Kami and Piccolo Later
fused back into a single entity in the Cell saga in an attempt to because strong
enough to defeat cell, which failed. Piccolo is of great intelligence and
strength throughout DB, although he was considered rather weak through DBZ.
Piccolo has the ability of regeneration, for example if he was to lose an arm
(which he has done) he can regenerate that arm. But it's not certain how care
piccolo can regenerate from. Piccolo has also put the Tri Form technique to good
use from time to time. Back to the top
Chibi Trunks
50% Saiyan, 50% Human
Alignment: Good
Chibi trunks, meaning "Young trunks" is the trunks you see born in the
cell saga who later becomes very good friends with Goten, they do almost
literally everything together. Trunks was Vegeta's first and only son, although
he later gets a sister, named Bra. Chibi trunks had amazing fighting potential,
turning Super Saiya-jin at the age of 5 with little or not effort what so ever.
Trunks later in the Buu Saga puts the fusion Dance to good use where he fuses
with Goten to become Gotenks, who has the ability to go ssj3. Back to the top
Mirai Trunks
50% saiyan, 50% Human
Alignment: Good
"Mirai" meaning Future, Mirai Trunks comes from an alternate timeline
where Goku was killed shortly after returning from Namek. With Goku dead, #17
and #18 (A much more evil pair) brought the world into chaos killing all z
fighters over time, with only Gohan surviving the first few years. Although the
Mirai Gohan was also later killed, this is what allowed Mirai Trunks to go SSJ
for the first time. About 16 years after what we consider the Cell Saga, Bulma
(Trunk's Mother) builds a time machine and sends Trunks back into the past to
save Goku and change the timeline from becoming similar to his timeline. Mirai
Trunks is the Trunks we know from the Cell saga, he also Killed Frieza from our
timeline with little or no effort. Back to the top
50% Saiyan, 50% Human
Goten was Goku's (and Chi chi's) second son after Gohan. Goten, like Chibi
Trunks showed great potential for fighting after going SSJ when he was only 5.
Goten, being pure of heart, is a very innocent boy, all be it, a bit dim at
times. He like Chibi Trunks learnt the fusion Dance, he is one half of gotenks. Back to the top
Bulma was originally introduced to Dragonball very early on, she was seen as a
rich girl searching for Dragonballs with her invention, the Dragon radar. Bulma
through Dragonball/z/gt was known for her intelligence and her mechanical skill.
She later Marries Vegeta and gives birth to both Chibi trunks and Bra at the
very end of dbz. Bulma is the daughter of Mr Briefs, the Man who owns Capsule
Corporation. A World-Wide corporation that creates small capsules that fits huge
objects within. Thanks to this company, her family, including Vegeta is very
rich and lives at the Capsule corporation Headquarters. Back to the top
Chi Chi
Chi Chi is the daughter of the Ox King, who is a huge man, who was once
considered to be strong... but that fallacy fell apart during the middle of DB.
Chi Chi is a very dominating person, she creates fear in the strongest of
fighters, even though she is actually rather weak. she spends all day at home
and spends all evening forcing Gohan to Study. After Marrying Goku at the end of
DB, she later gives birth to both Gohan and Goten. Back to the top
Master Roshi
Alignment: Good
Description: Master Roshi, also known as Kamesennin was considered to be
the great martial arts teacher throughout Dragonball, after training both Goku
and Krillin, they both surpass his strength extremely quickly. Master Roshi,
although of very good intentions is extremely perverted and has a large
selection of porno magazines and spends the rest of his life hitting on every
woman he sees (except Chi Chi). He lives on his own small island in the middle
of the ocean. Back to the top Fusions
Goten and Trunks
Fusion type: Fusion Dance
Description: When the true threat of Buu was realised in the Buu Saga, Goku
taught Goten and Trunks the fusion dance for a method to defeat Buu. After 2
failed attempts of the fusion, Goten and Trunks succeeded in fusing to Become
Gotenks. After Training in the Rosat (Room of Spirit and Time, also known as the
Hyperbolic time Chamber), Gotenks reached the ability to go SSJ3. After Very
nearly destroying Buu, the fusion wore off and Gotenks was later absorbed by Buu
when they re-fused. Back to the top
Goku and Vegeta
Fusion type:
Potara fusion
When all hope looked lost, Vegeta reappeared on earth. Just before Buu was about
to execute Goku, They managed to do the Potara fusion just in time. With the
fusion involving two of the strongest fighters in the universe, it was of course
extremely powerful. too Powerful for Buu. Back to the top
Goku and Vegeta
Fusion type:
Fusion Dance
Gogeta is the Fusion dance version of Vegetto. Gogeta was only seen in movie 12
and Dragonball GT. Gogeta was no as strong as Vegetto, because the Fusion Dance
was not as effective as the Potara fusion. Back to the top