Home - Dragonball Z Information - Going Mystic?
The "Mystic" form
is not a form essentially, it is more of a magic spell cast on the user.
During Gohan's training on a
Kaioushin world during the Buu Saga, Gohan wanted to test the item he'd been
using to train; The Z sword. It was subsequently broken. The Dai Kaioushin (from 15
generations back) was released from the Z sword, in return, Dai
Kaioushin promised to give Gohan full control of his power without any aids. A
dancing ritual was performed over 5 hours, then a further 20 hours were needed
to power-up Gohan. At the end of the 25 hour ceremony Gohan could no longer
change to a super saiya-jin, instead the transformation was replaced by what
appeared to be nothing.
To use this great power
Gohan only had to attempt to transform into a super saiya-jin, he would then
power up with a bright white aura to limits he had never seen before.
The "Mystic"
ritual was not permanent, it was only meant as a short term solution, Later in
DBGT Gohan was then able to transform into a super saiya-jin once again.
The Mystic ability gave
Gohan a huge advantage, not only did he not waste any Ki during a
transformation, but he could increase his power level much quicker.
Below is an example of Gohan
is Mystic form:
