Home - Dragonball Z Information - Character Forms - Koola Forms
Koola is Frieza's stronger brother, he was always
slightly stronger. Koola was only ever featured in the movies [5&6], he was never featured or even mentioned in the series. Koola has one big advantage over his brother, he can transform one stage further than Frieza. A description of all the forms are below;
Form 1- This form appears to resemble Friezas' Final form, Koola was
a lot stronger in this form then Frieza was at 100%, He originally came to
earth seeking revenge for the death of his brother.

Form 2 - This was
Koola's second form, it is a fifth form that only Koola could reach, Frieza and King Kold were too weak to attain this level of power.

Form3 - This was Koola's Perfect form, In this form Koola was
a lot stronger than SSJ Goku, he was only defeated by
Goku's Kamehameha that fired him into the sun.

Metal Koola - In movie 5 Koola was shot into the sun and presumed dead, until he returned
in movie 6. In movie 6 he was resurrected by a machine that travels the Galaxy, he was
rebuilt by this machine into a robot. This is why he was called Metal Koola, his power was increased greatly. Go to the movie summaries to find out more about the movies.