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Frieza Saga Episode Previews
Episodes 28-92
(28) Journey to Namek - Kami's spaceship is reconstructed and ready for the long journey, so the Dragon Balls search crew -Bulma, Krillin and Gohan- takes off to Namek. At first, they enjoy a nice ride, but all of a sudden they are attacked and captured by a mysterious spaceship run by refugees! Meanwhile, the injured Vegeta travels back to his army base to recover.
(29) Friends or Foes? - Bulma, Gohan and Krillin are captured by a mysterious group of militant, heavily armed refugees on the way to the planet Namek. At first, the refugees accuse the trio of being the henchmen of the evil Frieza that destroyed their home planet. However, when the earthlings help in a dangerous situation, the refugees allow them to continue on their journey to the planet Namek.
(30) Hunt for a Dragon Ball - On the planet Namek, Bulma, Gohan and Krillin begin the adventurous hunt for the Dragon Balls with the help of two Namek natives. On the Earth, Goku starts his training early even though he has not yet healed, while far away in the universe, Vegeta rests in the recovery room at one of Frieza's bases.
(31) Who's Who? - Just as Gohan and others are about to find all of the Dragon Balls, the two 'Nameks' reveal their true identity! The Earthlings are in big trouble! Meanwhile, Vegeta finds out that Frieza has already left for the planet Namek to search for the Dragon Balls. Quickly, Vegeta also takes off to Namek!
(32) Touchdown on Namek - After escaping two vicious aliens, Bulma, Gohan and Krillin finally arrive on the real planet Namek. Their joy doesn't last long, because soon they see Vegeta's space pod flying over them, with a second space pod following it! Yet, they don't even know the worst part: Frieza is already on Namek searching for the Dragon Balls!
(33) Face Off On Namek - One of Frieza's assistants senses the power of Gohan and Krillin, and sends a reconnaissance party to investigate. The scouts break into the space ship, but Gohan and Krillin beat the scouts easily. Meanwhile, Vegeta is challenged by his long time rival, Cui. However, Cui is no match for Vegeta, who has increased his power level.
(34) The Ruthless Frieza - When Frieza and his troops pass by, Gohan and Krillin sense the great power from Frieza! To make matters worse, Frieza has already collected four of the seven Dragon Balls! On Earth, Goku instantly recovers thanks to a Senzu bean, but when he learns Gohan may be in trouble, he hops on a space ship to rush to Namek!
(35) The Nameks vs. Frieza - As Goku continues his long journey to Namek, Gohan and Krillin watch as the Nameks struggle to defend their planet from Frieza's henchmen. Frieza is continuing his search for the fifth Dragon Ball, and will stop at nothing to get it.
(36) Escape From Dodoria - Frieza's henchmen threaten a Namek child during their search for the Dragon Balls, but Gohan and Krillin become enraged and rescue the child. They soon find themselves pursued by Frieza's henchman Dodoria, but they manage to give him the slip.
(37) Secrets Revealed - Vegeta intercepts Dodoria who hopes that Vegeta will spare his life if he reveals that Frieza destroyed the Saiyan home planet! Vegeta decides to destroy Dodoria anyway, and then begins to search for Gohan and Krillin. When he cannot locate them, Vegeta decides to search for the Dragon Balls instead. Meanwhile, Gohan and Krillin locate Bulma who tells them that Goku will reach Namek within the week!
(38) A Collision Course - Goku struggles to fix his ship during his trip to Namek, and barely avoids getting barbecued! Vegeta beats Frieza to the Namek village containing the fifth Dragon Ball and he takes it for himself.
(39) Stay Away From Frieza - Piccolo and the others reach King Kai's and begin their training. On Namek, Frieza's henchmen continue their search for the Dragon Balls while Gohan and friends learn about the eldest Namek. Krillin soon sets out to find the last Dragon Ball, but Vegeta decides to amuse himself at the expense of Zarbon.
(40) Zarbon Transformed - Vegeta surprises Zarbon with his increased power, but Zarbon returns the surprise by transforming into an incredibly powerful monster. Zarbon then attacks Vegeta and appears to destroy him.
(41) The Eldest Namek - Dende takes Krillin to the eldest Namek where the ancient Namek leader uses his special power to increase Krillin's potential. Now, it will be up to Krillin to prevent the 7th Dragon Ball from falling into the hands of the evil Frieza!
(42) Get Vegeta - After defeating Vegeta, Zarbon returns to Frieza's space ship. There, Frieza becomes enraged that Zarbon came back without Vegeta who knows where one of the Dragon Balls is hidden. Zarbon is sent out to retrieve Vegeta and put him in a recovery room.
(43) Vegeta Revived - Once Vegeta recovers from Zarbon's pounding, he fools Frieza and Zarbon and steals their five Dragon Balls, Vegeta senses Krillin's power and begins to follow him, but he is being followed by Zarbon!
(44) A Heavy Burder - As Goku continues his journey to Namek, he continues his heavy gravity training. Unfortunately, his space ship gets hit by a magnetic storm and the gravity machine goes out of control. What can Goku do when he gets crushed by the most extreme gravity he has ever experienced?
(45) Immortality Denied - Zarbon challenges the rejuvenated Vegeta, but is easily crushed by Vegeta's increased power! Next Vegeta threatens Krillin and Bulma until he gets the 7th Dragon Ball that the eldest Namek gave to Krillin. Krillin hopes Gohan finds the other Dragon Ball, so that Vegeta cannot make a wish!
(46) Big Trouble for Bulma - When Gohan returns with the last Dragon Ball, Krillin takes him to see the eldest Namek. Meanwhile, the Dragon Ball rolls into the lake, forcing Bulma to use a capsule submarine to go get it. However, this will be no simple retrieval!
(47) Scramble for the Dragon Balls - Krillin and Gohan are traveling to the Eldest Namek, but they fail to notice that Vegeta has begun to follow them! Meanwhile, the Ginyu Force is approaching Namek on a mission from Frieza...
(48) Arrival of the Ginyu Force - Krillin and Gohan reach the Eldest Namek's hideout just as Vegeta catches up with them. The Eldest Namek senses the arrival of the Ginyu Force, so Krillin and Gohan decide to make a truce with Vegeta in order to protect the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Goku finally conquers the 100 Times Large Gravity setting and is ready for battle.
(49) Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force Frieza's Ginyu Force arrives on Namek! Krillin, Gohan and Vegeta reach Vegeta's hiding place for the rest of the Dragon Balls, when suddenly, the Ginyu Force appears in front of them! The Ginyu Force decides to have some fun - by challenging our heroes!
(50) Time Tricks and Body Binds - Guldo is the first to challenge Gohan and Krillin. Guldo uses his powers to avoid attacks, but the two earthling fighters move much faster than Guldo expects. Next, Guldo uses his "body binds" technique to make them immobile - can Gohan and Krillin escape from Guldo's trick?
(51) No Refuge from Recoome - Vegeta and Recoome square off next, but Recoome demonstrates power that Vegeta cannot match! Gohan and Krillin save Vegeta, which enrages Recoome, who then crushes Krillin. Gohan must now challenge Recoome by himself!
(52) Enter Goku - During the great battle, Frieza manages to obtain all seven of the Dragon Balls! But he doesn't know the magic words to make his wish! Meanwhile, Gohan continues his hopeless fight against the much more powerful Recoome. Suddenly Goku arrives!
(53) Goku... Super Saiyan? - Goku instantly defeats Recoome with his new power! The other two fighters, Burter and Jeice, start attacking Goku, but he doesn't even seem concerned. Vegeta senses something has changed in Goku - "Did he become a legendary Super Saiyan!?"
(54) Ginyu Assault - Burter and Jeice of the fearsome Ginyu Force launch an attack on Goku. But the tables turn as Goku's new power is way too much for them to handle. After Goku easily defeats Burter, Jeice rushes to retrieve the fiercest of all Ginyu... Captain Ginyu himself. But can their collective force match up to the new Goku?
(55) Incredible Force! - An angry Captain Ginyu initiates a battle with the fearless Goku, as the ruthless mercenary attempts to uncover Goku's true strength. But Goku cleverly conceals his power level from the militant monster. Finally, at the insistence of the captain, Goku astounds both Jeice and Ginyu by revealing his true power... A power unlike anything they had anticipated.
(56) Frieza Approaches - Captain Ginyu and Jeice face up to Goku only to discover the truth about what they're up against. Elsewhere, Guru bestows a special gift of healing upon the young Namek, Dende. And Nail returns to defend Guru from the villainous Frieza. But will Nail's special training be enough?
(57) Goku is Ginyu & Ginyu is Goku - Frieza battles Nail in an effort to discover the password for the Dragon Balls. But can his skills measure up? Elsewhere, a powerful Goku faces the remaining Ginyu force. But careful Goku! Captain Ginyu has some fiendish trickery in store.
(58) Calling the Eternal Dragon - Vegeta's plan to recapture the Dragon Balls is put on hold as Gohan and Krillin are first to find the buried treasure. But all three are in for a big shock as Captain Ginyu shows up in Goku's body.
(59) Gohan Defeat Your Dad!! - Gohan and Krillin battle Captain Ginyu, disguised in Goku's body. But watch out! Vegeta's taking action with a strength no one expected! Is Vegeta really a Super Saiyan?
(60) Captain Ginyu... The Frog - An injured Captain Ginyu awaits Vegeta's onslaught. But the weakened warrior has devious plans up his sleeve. Will he be able to switch bodies with Vegeta the way he managed to switch with Goku? And what will become of Goku, now struggling in Captain Ginyu's crippled body?
(61) Password is Porunga - A defeated Nail reveals to Frieza his subtle plot, to stall him long enough for the Earthlings to summon Porunga, the Namekian Dragon! Finding his confidence in the Ginyu Force misguided, a frustrated Frieza races to stop Krillin and Gohan from executing their wishes. But with Dende revealing the password, can Frieza stop the Earthling?
(62) Piccolo's Return - Gohan and Krillin summon Porunga, the Namekian Dragon, to make their wishes. But to their disappointment they discover only one person can be returned for each wish. Without sufficient wishes to return all four Krillin and Gohan resort to the next best thing - restore Piccolo, thereby reinstating Kame and the Dragon Balls on Earth! But an enraged Vegeta arrives before the last wish is cast. Will his arrival ruin their plans?
(63) The Fusion - Frieza is furious when he discovers the Namekian Dragon Balls are gone, and launches into battle with Vegeta. Elsewhere, with Porunga's help, Piccolo arrives on the planet Namek only to discover a badly injured Nail. Even though Nail can't continue to fight in his own body, he can continue to fight by combining with Piccolo in a Namekian fusion technique! Will Piccolo, now united with Nail, arrive on the battlefield in time to stop Frieza's diabolical plans to destroy all the inhabitants of Namek?
(64) Fighting Power: One Million?? - Frieza's dark past is explained as his destruction of the Saiyan home planet is revealed. But Frieza also has other hideous secrets more relevant to the warriors from Earth, such as the power to transform! In this new transformed state is his power level really over 1,000,000? As Gohan and Krillin face off against this barbarous creature, Krillin makes the ultimate sacrifice and falls prey to Frieza's vicious onslaught. Is this the end of Krillin and all the Earth's hope?
(65) Gohan Attacks - Frieza's assault on Krillin continues, and in his new transformed state all the other warriors can do is helplessly look on.. As Frieza disposes of the noble combatant, an ally arrives just in time to save Krillin from certain doom. It's Dende! And he has a healing power bestowed by Guru. As Krillin is being revived, an enraged Gohan steps up to battle Frieza. And while his fury stays Frieza for a while, it is not enough to stop the merciless tyrant. Can anyone stop Frieza?
(65a) Piccolo the Super-Namek - Gohan is seriously wounded in his grapple with Frieza. But a renewed Krillin jumps back in the fray and resumes his war on Frieza. Thanks to Krillin's efforts, Frieza is stalled long enough for Dende to restore Gohan's health. Finally, Piccolo, now united with Nail, arrives to the battlefield! Will the combined efforts of Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo be enough to stop Frieza's reign of terror?
(66) Deja Vu - Piccolo with Nail, launches into an all out brawl with Frieza. As the battle wages it appears Piccolo has finally gained the upper hand. But Frieza isn't done yet! In fact, he transforms a second time! And in this new form Frieza appears truly unstoppable. With the situation appearing more and more hopeless Vegeta devises a plan. But will it work?
(67) Frieza's Second Transformation - The united powers of Nail and Piccolo continue to struggle against the almighty Frieza. For a brief moment it seems the Namekian duo could be victorious, but Frieza soon sets everyone straight with a second transformation! With new speed and strength, Frieza gives Piccolo a ruthless beating. Can Gohan and Krillin come to Piccolo's aid? And what clever plan is Vegeta devising?
(68) Another Transformation? - Desperate to help Piccolo, the enraged Gohan unleashes an attack that nearly topples Frieza. Inspired by Gohan's powerful display, Vegeta reveals his daring plan: he will let Krillin beat him to near death, and force Dende to heal him, as a Saiyan's power increases after healing from a serious injury. Could this tactic finally transform Vegeta into a legendary Super Saiyan? Meanwhile, it seems Frieza has a plan of his own: his final transformation!
(69) Dende's Demise - Having reached his ultimate form, the evil Frieza begins a merciless assault. To start, he takes out the only one who cannot be healed by Dende- Dende himself! As Frieza's onslaught continues, it becomes clear that Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan don't stand a chance. Surprisingly, the fully healed Vegeta comes to the rescue, wanting to fight Frieza single-handedly! Are Vegeta's claims true? Is he really a Super Saiyan?
(70) The Renewed Goku - Despite his new powers, Vegeta proves to be no match for the all-powerful Frieza. With each painful punch, Vegeta's dreams of becoming a Super Saiyan fade away, and Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin can do nothing but watch, frozen with fear. Back on the spaceship, Goku's healing is almost complete! Can Vegeta survive Frieza's relentless beating long enough for Goku to arrive?
(71) The End of Vegeta - The revitalized Goku arrives on the battlefield of Namek, but not in time to save Vegeta from Frieza's vicious attack. Beaten and broken, Vegeta hangs on to his life by a thread, using the few minutes he has left to share the secrets of his violent past. Will this shocking revelation help explain Vegeta's ruthless nature? And why does Goku look so familiar to Frieza?
(72) The Ultimate Battle - Feeling a new sense of brotherhood with his long-lost Saiyan race, Goku wages a determined battle with the evil Frieza. As the fight ensues, it appears that Goku is holding his own! In an attempt to defeat Goku, Freiza directs his energy blasts at Namek itself, turning the planet into a deadly, lava-spitting war zone! Can Goku stop Frieza before Namek is torn to pieces?
(73) Clash of the Super Powers - Goku and Frieza continue to match strength and wits on Namek. A clever underwater attack puts Goku on top until Frieza traps Goku in an energy ball. It's pinball style fun for Frieza as he bats Goku around, but being trapped in the exploding ball proves to be a deadly game for Goku!
(74) Frieza's Boast - To prove his superiority, Frieza vows to beat Goku without using his hands. But after a few painful lessons, the mighty Saiyan has Frieza eating his words. Elsewhere on Namek, Captain Ginyu manages to pull the ol' switcheroo on Bulma, leaving her trapped in the body of a frog!
(75) Bold and Fearless - Captain Ginyu returns to the battlefield, but this time, in Bulma's body! Can Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan handle this Femme Fatale'? And when Frieza powers up to fifty percent of his maximum, Goku is totally outclassed by the evil supergiant! Without anymore cards up his sleeve, where does Goku go from here?
(76) Embodiment of Fire - Goku is in hot water when even his Kai Ken Attack has no effect on Frieza who is only at fifty-percent of his maximum power level! But when it looks like Frieza has dealt the final blow, a dreamlike vision helps Goku to awaken to an even higher level of power and strength!
(77) Trump Card - Once again Goku is rescued from the depths of despair by a vision! This time Vegeta talks to Goku from beyond the grave to offer the ailing Saiyan new hope and encouragement! But when the renewed Goku realizes that the battle against Frieza is futile, he turns to his last resort: the Spirit Bomb!
(78) Keep the Chance Alive - Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu are shivering in their boots when the members of the Ginyu Force pay them a surprise visit at King Kai's planet! Meanwhile, back on Namek, Frieza puts a stop to Goku's struggling efforts to gather enough energy to form the Spirit Bomb, and Piccolo has to intervene to buy Goku the precious time that he needs!
(79) Power of the Spirit - Chaos erupts on King Kai's peaceful planet as the Z soldiers battle the Ginyu Force! Back on Namek, a life and death struggle between Piccolo and Frieza buys Goku the time he needs to finish gathering enough energy to form the Spirit Bomb! And when Goku scores a direct hit on Frieza, it looks like the battle is over at last!
(80) Transformed at Last - A tender victory celebration comes to a crashing halt when Frieza reappears on the battlefield! With no reserves left, Goku watches helplessly as Frieza fells Piccolo and destroys Krillin. Enraged by the loss of his friends, Goku suddenly undergoes a wild transformation! What does this mean? Who is the man of gold?
(81) Explosion of Anger - Engulfed in a shimmering aura of golden light, a completely rejuvenated Goku announces that he is now a Super Saiyan! Frieza is curious but unimpressed - until the fighting begins, that is! In a raging battle Frieza is horrified when he realizes that Goku is now superior to him in every way!
(82) Namek's Destruction? - Finding Goku's newfound Super Saiyan strength to be too much for him, Frieza directs his attack at the planet Namek itself! Unable to react in time, Goku is forced to watch helplessly as Frieza's energy blast tears through the heart of the once tranquil planet. Things look bleak for the mighty Saiyan and his friends as the fiery explosion rips through Namek's core! Can anyone survive such incredible destruction?
(83) A Final Attack - With only minutes to go before the planet explodes, Goku launches a ferocious assault against the weakened Frieza. But Frieza proves that he has a few tricks left up his sleeve as he begins to gather the energy he needs to achieve 100% of his true power! Can Goku defeat the evil titan in time to escape the dying planet, or is the fully energized Frieza too powerful for even the Super Saiyan to handle.
(84) Approaching Destruction - The two most powerful forces in the universe collide as the battle between Goku and Frieza rages on. Back on Earth, the seven Dragon Balls have been collected, and King Kai devises a plan that may save his friends on Namek and put an end to the evil Frieza. But with Namek's final destruction imminent, can Kame and Popo use the Dragon Balls before it's too late?
(85) Gohan Returns - The first stage of King Kai's plan is complete, and all of Frieza's victims have been wished back to life. But while the people of Namek begin to rise again, the mighty Super Saiyan Goku falls as Frieza launches a devastating final assault. Sensing his father's defeat, Gohan rushes to the scene as the universe's last hope against the seemingly invincible Frieza. Can Gohan succeed where Goku failed, or will this be the end of both father and son?
(86) The Last Wish - Guru and the people of Namek have been brought back to life, and the dragon Porunga has reappeared to grant the last of three wishes. While a newly enraged Goku resumes his onslaught against the evil Frieza, Dende races to make the final wish of King Kai's plan. But Frieza has his own wish in mind, and he too speeds toward the dragon! Can anything stand in the way of Frieza finally being granted immortality?
(87) Duel on a Vanishing Planet - With all of his friends evacuated to the safety of Earth, Goku has chosen to remain on the doomed planet of Namek to finish Frieza once and for all. But Frieza refuses to go down quietly, and it looks as though the mighty Saiyan still has the fight of his life on his hands. And with Namek about to explode, there seems no way for Goku to defeat Frieza and escape from the planet in time! Has Goku made the greatest - and final - mistake of his life?
(88) Pathos of Frieza - Time is growing short for Goku, as each passing second brings Namek closer to it's ultimate destruction. But the Super Saiyan's powers seem to know no limits, and it looks as though the once unstoppable Frieza has final been outmatched! As Goku's strength continues to increase with every blow, it appears that the battle has at last reached its conclusion! ...or has it?
(89) Frieza Defeated!! - As his desperation grows, Frieza's attempts to destroy Goku become more and more reckless. Goku's power proves to be far superior, however, and he easily counters the evil tyrant's attacks. It seems that Frieza's greatest fear has been realized - defeat at the hands of a Super Saiyan! But the clock is ticking! Can Goku escape Namek before it explodes?
(90) Mighty Blast of Rage - Frieza may be down, but he's not out yet. And even after being sliced into pieces by his own energy disk, the evil tyrant isn't quite ready to release his stranglehold on the universe. Calling upon what little power he has left, a desperate Frieza fires a final energy blast after Goku leaves the battlefield. Well the Super Saiyan sense this sneak attack in time?
(91) Namek's Explosion... Goku's End? - The Namekian Dragon Balls have followed their guardian Guru all the way back to Earth. And even though it looks like Goku is going to be trapped on the exploding planet Namek, Dende has a good reason to celebrate - the Dragon Balls have the power to bring Goku back! But if that's the case why does everyone still look so sad?
(92) Goku's Alive!! - It is a time of joyful reunions as old friends long absent are finally wished home with the Dragon Balls. While Krillin and Yamcha are easily brought back from the spirit world, Porunga, The Namekian dragon, reveals that he is unable to restore Goku to life - because the Super Saiyan isn't dead! But if Goku is still alive, why hasn't he come home?
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